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Name creation | Tagline | Logo | Advertising | Literature | Signage | Display

Shaw & Co were the largest independent tax consultancy in the UK. Rapid expansion had seen them outgrow their Birmingham headquarters and they were preparing to move into larger new-build premises nearby. In addition they were opening a London office. Like many successful businesses, up to this point their focus had been on managing growth, with 'marketing' way off their radar. Now with an imminent address change, everything needed replacing – and with no in-house marketing personnel, the task seemed daunting. 


Following a full audit of the existing brand it was immediately apparent that the firm had come a long way since their initial marketing push. I worked with the firm to identify and establish a core set of values that encapsulated the firm's character – becoming a benchmark for both the interior design of the new premises and the subsequent rebrand and advertising campaign.


The initial hurdle was to change the name. Shaw & Co just had too much of a 'small firm' a feel about it. The move to Shaws was a little change that made a huge difference – signalling progression and growth, yet retaining full continuity and recognition in the industry.


A new logo and tagline, that focused on the firm's full service, holistic approach to tax was designed, along with launch campaign, advertising, website and display signage.


The firm was subsequently bought by the Begbies Trainer Group, citing the rebrand as having added over £4million to the sale value.


Previous logo
Rebrand implementation - Shaws - tax con
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