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Bobby Reed's Exceptional Perogies

Rebrand & Packaging

Not all rebrands have to have a big budget or even be that dramatic. But a small change can make a big difference to market share.


Based out of a cool little cafe in Cochrane Alberta, Bobby Reed’s were selling their home made and frozen, gluten free perogies around the local area. Their initial challenge was one of packaging security. While their brown paper bags with a circular label on, perfectly met the artisanal feel of the product, the lack of security was preventing take-up by larger stores.


Run by two local musicians, this brand was doing so many things right. With their amazing flavours named after songs and song lyrics, what was required was to retain as much of the familiarity and quirky charm of the brand, and yet reflect a little more of the quality of the product via the design. And of course, meet all technical and budgetary requirements of the packaging.

The Bobby Reed logo was updated just enough to give it a bit more of a slick finish, yet hardly seem like it had changed at all.

Picking up on the distinctive circular labels and musical flavours – an ‘old vinyl record’ theme was introduced to play off the harmonica logo. 

The graphic elements were placed at differing angles creating a label that didn’t need careful aligning when being applied to the bags. This sped up packing time considerably.

All supporting items carried the vinyl record theme, including the business cards which were designed and printed with an A and B side and a hole in the middle. 

An uptake in retailers selling the products from 3 to 22 in the first few months.


Previous Packaging
Previous and revised logo (lower)
BR-New Old Logo.png
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