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Outstanding design to unlock the potential
of your

brand's DNA

Hi, I'm Dave Bland. I help companies look at every aspect of their business from a brand perspective – and work with them to clarify their core messages. I then design targeted, compelling visual communication to excite and activate their audiences and increase market share.
Working from my home office in midtown Toronto – I offer all of the convenience with none of the overheads. That's 30 years of brand design expertise at significantly less cost than a traditional ad or design agency.


The images below give a snapshot of some recent and older projects. (Click on the top six images for more detail on those projects).
If you'd like to learn more about the work I have done for companies in Canada and the UK, please get in touch.



My service blurs the boundaries between graphic design, brand consultancy and strategic marketing – with a combined approach that both defines and unlocks the full potential of your brand's DNA.

Brand Creation – helping start-ups to focus on the basics of brand-building from day one – establishing their key messages and marketing strategy and designing a visual identity that is targeted, effective and affordable. 

Rebranding – helping companies that have undergone significant transformation to reinvent their brands – seamlessly creating and implementing a redesigned visual identity.


Brand Renovation – sensitively refreshing and updating misaligned and tired brands with design based on re-affirmed values and messaging.


Brand Audit – a detailed and comprehensive review of a company's brand performance, core messaging and visual identity – highlighting areas of misalignment and unlocking new opportunities for growth.

Troubleshooting – looking at a specific area of business underperformance from a brand perspective. Failing product or service launches and new markets that haven't gained the expected uptake can often be a symptom of brand misalignment, rather than an issue with the venture itself.


Hi, I'm Dave Bland.


​Originally from the UK, I've been living and working in Canada since 2009. I have a helpful, straightforward and collaborative approach to any project and believe strongly in the power of simplicity and consistency. 

Although I'm a designer at heart – I understand that the real value is created in the groundwork that comes before any design is started. 


let's chat

I'd be happy to chat about any aspect of your business and see if a brand-focused approach can help you out.

No commitment, no sales talk – let's just see if I can help and take it from there.

Get in touch at 403 472 9611


© 2019 brandnotbland

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